The description of Godus
In the games industry on the smartphone, there are not a small number of games that are released in the “simulators” genre. Another project, whose name Godus mod apk, also belongs to the genre above. However, the creators were able to offer their audience something much more than an ordinary simulator.
The story will start with two people on the island right in the middle of the vast seas. The hero for whom you start your game is God. His power will depend entirely on the faith of man. God’s primary purpose is to interact with the local inhabitants and provide them with all kinds of help. In return for help, they will support the former faith in God, thereby giving him more power.
But before asking the settlers for anything, you need to prove to them that you exist. To do this, you need to remove a small stone right before their eyes. Ll people believe in something, so if something “supernatural” happens to them, they will write everything down to divine powers. These are the results that a player must achieve.
You can download the game Godus mod below by clicking on the link.