
🔥 Top 10 Productivity Apps in 2024!

Greetings, illustrious readers. Today we are going into the matter of apps that will turn you into a productivity king come 2024. As a digital efficiency expert, I’ve taken notes for hundreds of apps and now bring you the best results from all that effort. Let’s start.

Important: All mentioned programs can be downloaded from our website at https://apk-store.org/. There, you will find the most current version as well as full features!

Todoist: Planner & Calendar

Todoist is a strong tool for managing tasks and projects. In 2024, they released an innovative AI planner feature that learns the user’s habits and schedules tasks for optimal times all by itself.

Why it’s worth your attention:

  • An intuitive interface with drag-and-drop capabilities.
  • Smart reminders based on your time and location.
  • Support for doing collaborative project work.
  • Connects to more than 60 popular services.

“Todoist doesn’t just arrange things for you to do, it is your personal productivity assistant.” – Amir Salihefendic, Founder & CEO of Todoist

Todoist Planner & Calendar

Forest: Focus for Productivity

Forest turns the fight against procrastination into an interesting game. You plant a virtual tree that grows as you work. If you are distracted by your mobile phone, the tree will die.

Why it’s worth your attention:

  • Novel gamified approach to concentration.
  • Visual display in the form of a virtual forest where you can see your improvement.
  • Real trees planted to achieve goals.
  • Your productivity statistics and analytics.

Forest Focus for Productivity

Notion: Notes, Tasks, AI

The notion is an integrated office that combines notes, databases, Kanban boards, and wikis. In 2024, they rolled out an AI butler capable of analyzing the structure and data of your entry.

Why it’s worth your attention:

  • A completely adaptable interface to any job.
  • Robust collaboration tools.
  • A complete library of templates with which you can jump-start your work.
  • Integration into many popular services.

“The workspace in the future, where creativity and productivity converge,” says Notion co-founder Ivan Zhao.

Notion Notes, Tasks, AI

RescueTime Classic

RescueTime does your work as an Automatic Time Tracker. They launched an AI lifestyle coach in 2024.

Why it’s worth your attention:

  • No manual entry is needed.
  • Keep tabs on the time of day and what activity it is that you’re doing.
  • Progress toward set goals is viewable.
  • You’re shielded from your dearest distractions.

RescueTime Classic

Evernote – Note Organizer

Late in 2024, Evernote, the venerable note-taking application, got a major makeover. Now it uses AI to analyze and organize your notes: and even adds suggestions for future writings off of any records you’ve made this way.

Why it’s worth your attention:

  • Different formats supported for saving.
  • Superb searching, even including its recognition of text in images.
  • All data — no matter where it is or when you put it in there — is managed automatically by the AI system.
  • An AI assistant for structuring New Information.

Evernote - Note Organizer

Trello: Manage Team Projects

It is a project management tool based on Kanban boards. In 2024, Trello added ‘Trello Workflows’ – a way people can automate tasks automatically using AI scripts that work in the background.

Why it’s worth your attention:

  • The visual layout of task status is easy to understand
  • Project work can be managed flexibly by varying the system used for the same
  • Tools for teamwork are well-developed
  • New features for saving time with automation

“Trello is a visual language that everyone understands, and it’s all about productivity.” Michael Pryor, Trello founder

Trello Manage Team Projects

Focus@Will: Control Your ADD

Focus@Will uses neuroscience to help create specially tailored musical playlists for high-productivity periods where deep concentration is needed. In 2024, they launched an “Adaptive AI” program that tunes into each individual moment and resets the music accordingly.

Why it’s worth your attention:

  • Brain science drives improvements in focus.
  • Music tailored for different types of work with individualized playlists.
  • Integration with many popular productivity apps.
  • Assistance finding out which of your conditions are the most productive, and advice on how to improve still further.

Focus@Will Control Your ADD

Grammarly: More Than Just Spell Check

Content Intelligence is an AI system released by Grammarly in 2024. It checks the structure and style of text and suggests ways to make it more readable or logical.

What do you get from it:

  • Advanced grammar and spell check.
  • Tips for improving the manuscript style and clarity.
  • Plagiarism control, uniqueness analysis of texts.
  • Customized help for your articles’ enhancement.


Mindnode: The Blueprint for Digital Creation

This is a map creation application. In 2024, they added AI to read your maps and propose new ideas or connections.

What do you get from it:

  • Simple interface for drawing maps.
  • Automatically organize and align elements.
  • Add annotations, photographs or links to notes.
  • New AI function to induce creative thinking.

“Mindnode turns thought chaos into structured concepts.” – Markus Müller, Mindnode founder


Toggl Track: Timely Tracking that is Simple And Forceful

Toggl Track is a simple time-tracking program. In 2024, they pioneered Smart Suggestions to predict which job you are about to do at any given moment.

What do you get from it:

  • Quick and simple start-off tracking one-click.
  • In-depth reports and breakdown of time spent.
  • Integration with widely used productivity tools.
  • New AI function for automating task tracking.

Toggl Track


The year 2024 didn’t bring us only improved versions of old applications, but also truly innovative solutions through machine learning and artificial intelligence. The watchword today probably is that of personalization and adaptability.

“Productivity isn’t about doing more, but rather about achieving more with less effort.” – Tim Ferriss

Let the coolest applications be cool. The most important thing now is that you want to do and have the ability to move forward. Try a variety of methods and don’t be afraid to change your habits. Productivity is an art that can be learned and trained to be good at.

Our website https://apk-store.org/ offers all the applications to download, and don’t forget that. That is the latest full-featured version ready for installation now. Help yourself become more efficient by tomorrow at some point today!

What synchronization services do you use to keep your desktop and mobile phone messages together? Exchange notes in the comments below.