
How to Install .XAPK File?

What are .APK and .XAPK files? What is an .APK file? An Android Package (APK) is a file format used by the Android operating system for distributing and installing mobile applications and middleware. APK files are a type of archive file, specifically in the zip format packages, based on the JAR file format, with the .apk file name extension.

What is an .XAPK file? XAPK is a standard zip format that contains Android app bundles or installation packages (.apk), OBB, cache assets, and other data files to ensure successful app loading on Android and its proper functioning. Google Play has a file size limit for app files, so for apps larger than 100 MB, developers can use the XAPK file format to allow users to download the APK file on Android without corruption. Currently, there are two types of .XAPK files, as shown below.

  1. Google Play hosts extension files for your app and delivers them to the device free of charge for you. Extension files can be in any format you choose (ZIP, PDF, MP4, etc.), and they usually contain additional resources required for your app.

To simplify the task, XAPK = APK + OBB data + Cache + App Icon and Miscellaneous Info.

  1. Another XAPK file format consists of an Android App Bundle to create and serve optimized APKs for each user device configuration. Each APK is a complete and independent version of the app, but they use the same app and package name and are signed with the same release key. This new XAPK file download format allows users to receive smaller, more optimized downloads since they only download the code and resources needed to run the app.

How to install an .XAPK file on Android?

Step 1: Download the .XAPK file on Android.

Step 2: Locate the .XAPK file and rename the extension to the .zip format.

Step 3: Extract the ZIP file.

Step 4: Find the .obb file (usually called “com.xxxxx.obb”) inside the file and copy it to the folder: /sdcard/storage/emulated/0/Android/obb/.

Step 5: Install the .apk file, and you’re ready to successfully launch the app on your Android!