
Best Single Player Offline Games for Android

Best Single Player Offline Games for Android

You can turn your nose up at “casuals,” but you have to admit that the most popular gaming devices are no longer computers and consoles. It’s smartphones. At least because almost everyone has a smartphone, and almost everyone has run a game on it at least once. Yes, they are mostly primitive clickers, runners and other car battlers, but … is it really that bad? Are there no projects on either iOS or Android, which should pay attention to those who want something more than just kill time in the subway?
I assure you, there are. And we’re not just talking about mobile versions of PUBG, Call of Duty or World of Tanks. Not about ports like The Walking Dead or Hearthstone. And not even about the heroine of the past year Among Us – she has enough eulogies. Today we will talk about really cool, unusual and – in many cases – exclusive games for mobile platforms.